Day dog in the pack

It's been ages since I posted or even have taken time to read many of the wonderful blogs on this site. Of course in a crisis we turn to the sources we know will have the answers or at least a similar experience. I did a bit of searching and found some excellent information on introducing Shibas but I was really looking for background on JA's. Yesterday we picked up the JA mother of our current dog from the breeder. She is 7 (just) and is being retired. She originally was imported from Japan to France and then to our breeder, so we really want our home to be her forever home. She is so lovey, affectionate and trying to please, relaxed, not a barker at all. Our boy is 17 months, strong willed, opinionated and barky. We have been working with a behaviourist in order to help him get passed his dynamics with strangers. She says he is too smart, too stubborn and fearful of people...despite hours and hours of socialization. He is such a big baby....but tries to be so tough. Funny right now his barking a strangers pales in comparison to this dog to dog dynamic.
Anyway...the initial introduction outdoors on Friday, unleashed at the breeders went very well. We had an 9 hour drive home...that went well for the first 7.5 hours then they got into an exchange in the back seat. Broke it up, a walk, drink of water and a pillow division between them, and we were on our way. Since getting back last night we have had 4 interactions with a lot of chatter and injuries. A couple of them were because the owners are stupid and need help. We both recognize that this is going to take time but also have jobs, responsibilities and my husband works out of town! yikks...I am trying not to be stressed as I know the dogs sense this. At this moment they are both sleeping on their leads in respective areas of our family room....they are relaxed and my dear hubby and I exhausted by all this dog energy. Returning her is not an option...we need to make this work for all of us and I am appealing to the wonderful support of this group to get past these early days. Final dog comment..... Our boy seems to be pretending to be relaxed when we are outside with them together, but is giving off that he wants an opportunity to let her know he is the boss...she appears she is saying...just let me be boss little boy and all will be well. He is not going for it. After their interactions she seems to disengage and forget it quickly...he is much more intense.
Final owner comment.....I feel so bad to have set this up between them without being more prepared....bad dog parents we are...they look to us for guidance and leadership and right now I am a ball of nerves and sad to have brought this into our lives and theirs....I know this will get better and am willing to do whatever it takes to make it work, just feeling pissed at myself. Any thoughts, feedback or directions to previous comments would be appreciated. Our behaviourist is 2 hours away so we can't get her here to help us until next week as she is all booked up. My husband can take one of them to the city this week where he works....but that just feels like postponing the inevitable. We have two crates, she slept in one last night happily and he was roaming free, that was fine. We fed them in separate rooms. We have removed all toys for now. We are alternating who goes out first and who comes in first. They will both be crated in different areas of the house when I go to work on Tuesday morning. He is used to two walks a day....she has been mostly kenneled or run free in the 2 acre backyard. She only knows sit and barely does that....puppy training ahead. She is smart, loves food and is eager to please so I think we will get there with her....omg..listen to me going on and on....just trying to give the whole picture! Fire away with suggestions and questions please :)


  • I have posted an introduction of my dogs a while back. Click my name and find my introduction story if you want. Sorry I didn't reply sooner I took a break from the forum for a while. But I can try to help if I can. The older dog. Seems you don't trust it. The new puppy you are afraid will get hurt Cuz he fights back. I understand this fear. Sorry no one answered you. Probably don't want the blame if something happens. How are things going now? Did the behaviorist help? Can they be in the same room while your present yet?
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