[VIDEO] Kai barking at a [goat] (in Japan)

This video popped up in a Google Alert today. These Kai look to be pretty interested in this [goat]...



  • Yeah they do. That's also a wonderful illustration of the difficult terrain Kai can handle! :-)
  • edited May 2012
    And Boar! lol --- goat, not boar.
  • That right there is a Kamoshika (Serow?).
  • Ah... I was not sure! Ok, so that's basically a goat... My bad. :oT
  • Yup that's a serow or kamoshika. One of the animals the Kai is historically known to hunt. Really cool video!
  • Shhhhh, don't tell Kitora - so far I have her convinced that the goats are out there to just "look" pretty.... lolol I don't think she really believes me but she says as long as they stay on the other side of the fence she's good...lol
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