What did your shikoku weigh at 3 months?



  • @BradnJess Not a Shikoku, but I've trained Conker to stand on my scale on his own so I can get an accurate reading. I just used a few treats and told him to wait for a moment, then he was allowed to jump off.
    I do this with my bigger dogs too but they are far less into this sort of stuff than Conker. It can take a while to get them to stand there with all four paws on the scale for longer than two seconds. They have never really been trained to do anything other than basic obedience but Conker has, so he doesn't think much of it. It's a lot easier to do it this way than pick up a thrashing 50 pound dog and try to read a scale that's on the other side of that dog.
  • @Losech We should try that. He's been a bit wary of scales (getting onto the vet scale), and still kind of light enough to hold, but he's just going to get bigger!
  • i do the scale thing at home. i weigh myself at least 3 times to make sure i get the same reading and then do the same while carrying ghost.
    the scale is digital so it makes it much easier since i just have to stand still long enough for it to take a reading and lock it in.
  • edited December 2015
    2 months, 9.37 lbs
    4 months, 21.1 lbs
  • Kaiya
    3.5 months 17.4lbs and 16 inches at the shoulders
  • edited January 2018
    Castle weighs 16.6lbs at 3 months and a couple days. He's about 16" in height.
    At 9 weeks he weighed 12.2lbs.
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