Found on Instagram~ 17 year old Shikoku!

edited January 2015 in Shikoku Ken (四国犬)
If you search the Shikoku tag like I do, you've probably already seen this guy... so I suppose this is more for the non-instagrammers! At first I was wondering -- what is wrong with that shikoku?! It walks funny and it's all puffy!!!! And then I translated the page. Turns out it's a 17+ year old. I know the expected lifespan is 14 years or so, but this guy makes it look easy. :)

I don't want to post someone else's images on here, so I'll just give the link of the user. Point being: I hope my pup lives this long... And still stays just as full of character!


  • such a cute dog. :)

    Dink my catahoula mix lived to 16.. I hope Saya lives long life too.
  • That looks like Kotaro...Junko Ueda's the owner. If you go to the "I Love My Shikoku" facebook group, I think you might see more photos of that dog there.

  • That's Kotaro! I thought he was 16.

    I know TK's (my Shikoku) dam lived to be 16-17. His sire passed around 11, though, if I remember correctly from speaking with Peggy.
  • I thought that shikoku on the link looked familiar.. I remember seeing pics on the shikoku group.
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