Sickle-type tails in the Akita Inu?

edited October 2013 in Akita (秋田犬)
I actually had someone approach me today and ask if I had ever seen a sickle tail in the Japanese Akita. They know I am part of this forum and I speak often about the Japanese breeds and refer here all the time. The question came up after looking at the UKC standard...

Eliminating Faults: Sickle tail. Uncurled tail (determined while the dog is in motion, not at rest).

I'm not an Akita expert, but I could not readily find any... I was wondering if any "Akita people" knew of or have pictures of any Akita Inu with sickle tails? Historic, modern, it doesn't matter.

They will be for personal use - won't be redistributed or anything. This individual codes for an online dog game and they are trying to revise the "genetics" in the game to be more "realistic".


  • I've seen old Akitas whose tails no longer curl and approximate a sickle tail, but can't think of any younger Akitas with true sickle tails.
  • I have seen old Akitas with sickle tails as well, but nothing recent. All the pics were black-and-white, too.
  • We had one member who had one. It was an older dog that was sold as a pet when it was a puppy .
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