Puppy Gait Development

Does anyone know of a brief, layman's description of puppy gait development? Or can you speak to it? I have been watching my pup's run change as he grows and I'm curious about what Im looking at. It seemed when he was a roly poly little guy he'd move both back legs in a push together as he ran, but now that he's grown some he is running more like an adult dog, with the back legs leaving tracks one diagonally ahead of the other, not side by side in the run. All his lower speed gaits had 'grown up' back legs already, just the full out run is where I am noticing greater grace now. When I first got him, he walked like a cowboy, but grew out of that. He has a very muscular round butt, a large thick frame and is rather well and diversely exercised and rested for his age. So coupling this with my interest in wildlife tracking, I am interested to find out more. But I am not looking for veterinary journals, they are coming up on google and its more than I care to wade through. What do you know? What have you read that's helpful?


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