akita with dry skin?

edited January 2013 in Akita (秋田犬)
my 2 year old female akita grazed her tail when out a couple of weeks ago since then it had scabbed over and was looking fine but yesterday i noticed there is a build up of dry skin and if you brush your finger over it it is very flaky.
She has a vet appointment next week. I was wondering if there is anything i could put on it in the mean time that might help? thanks x

ps. she is not licking it or even showing any signs of discomfort.


  • If I find an area that is a little dry I use a little bit of coca butter. The key here is little as you don't want your dog licking and eating it. I do not use it for anything like a hot spot.

    There was also a post on here a while back about fish oils and the effect on fur. I have used solid gold seameal from time to time and I like the results on her coat.
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