Ciqala's strange new behavior

edited November 2012 in Behavior & Training
I'm wondering if anyone has a Kai (or other) that does this or can interpret this behavior. Ciqala has this weird obsession with my face, namely sticking the side of her face on mine! After a successful "stick" she just stands there. When I try to move, she moves with me, If i push her away too much, she tries to shoot under me and lay there. She does it to Saru sometimes too but gets mad when he starts mouthing her. She's done it a couple times since writing this post actually. Is this a call for attention? a comfort behavior?


  • Can't explain it, but that's adorable.
  • She wants to be with you? She watched too much titanic? That's pretty cute I agree but i think it shows she trusts you if she is comfortable enough to be cheek to cheek with you I do believe.
  • Can you get a video of it? Kind of hard to picture it from your description
  • When we are laying down Mirra will lay her head/neck right on top of our necks, very gently snuggling in for loves. She's done it since she was a pup and she is 6 now. So, kinda similar, I guess ??- for her it's clear she does it as affection and love and that she just wants to be close to us at that time. When she does it, it always reminds me of how you will see puppies snuggle in together!
  • @calia i'll try, since I live alone I can't really get a long range shot. To describe it more: I always lay on the floor and she just kinda randomly comes up and "docks" the side of her face on the front of mine. From there she just stands there like a statue unless I move, then she moves to keep contact. I waited it out once, after about a minute she had enough, I suppose, and moseyed on about her business. I swear, if she could have she would have patted me on the head like "That'll do pig, that'll do" lol.

    @carabooA at first I thought it was vision problems, like "I need to be THIS close to see you", but from the recent videos she can clearly see. I guess that's just how she shows love in her own, albeit creepy, way.
  • @Yandharr I can totally picture it because Mei does the exact same thing!!!! I've learned to live with it. It's her way of showing affection. I will usually just have her lay on top of me on the couch while I watch tv and let her do it.

    Does Ciqala also do the Kai stare down? Does she feel the need to keep eye contact? Mei does that too.

    Mika has her own version, but it's her butt on me sitting. Not fun when she sits on my face in the morning. lol.
  • edited November 2012
    see it as affection as well, although I have never heard a behaviorist say that outright.

  • LOL! @tjbart17! Kunai will position himself on purpose so that he sits on one of our legs while we are on the couch... he'll actually "back it up" to sit on a leg...:oD

    @Yandharr - another weird "Mirra-ism" she's always done with only Jason and it is SO funny to see - when he is sleeping and she wants to be with him she will as softly as a cat get up on the bed/couch and slink over to him to where her nose is literally a hairs breath away from his nose and then she will FREEZE! Ears are back in the soft position and she just waits - and she will wait a really long time if need be... if/when his eyes flutter, then she'll do a lightening fast tongue lick and then snuggle in so happily! I hope one day I'm able to catch a video of it!

    :o) Funny dogs <3
  • @CarabooA Yep Kunai and Mika are definitely littermated. lol. Mika backs up to sit on me too.
  • Tara mine does that too with chair or seats, I thought she was having some sort of butt problem lollls....OK I guess they like to sit.

  • that sounds adorable!! :)
  • @Yandharr - Yea, we need a video of this!

  • @Yandharr LOL that is so funny to imagine. And the wording, "dock" and "stick" just make it even more hilarious! Sounds like affection to me. Definitely need a video!

    @CarabooA Aww what Mirra does with your husband is awesome, it's things that like which will make me always have a dog.

    @cdenney lmao too much Titanic

    If I have been ignoring Ren for a while to get something done, when I'm done and sit down or lay down she'll come up tail wagging to see if I'm going to pet her, when I do she gets all excited and then will groom my face or head for about a minute. Every time I give her a treat she'll give me a quick lick on the face after she's done eating it almost like "thanks!". It may just be checking for food idk, but she does it even when the only part of me that could possibly smell like food is my fingertips.
  • I just re-looked up Ciqala's puppy pics. Damn she's cute!
  • @tjbart17 She's ridiculously cute in person!
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