The great poo cover-up (share your stories)

So after Saru's second pancreatitis flare up, he kinda lost his sense of potty training. needless to say accidents were sure to follow. Completely understandable, given the circumstances. What amazes me is his skill and thoroughness in covering up the "evidence." He did the deed, on a towel i had on the floor for specifically that reason, carefully folded it to reduce the smell and nudged it in the corner it was originally in. there was a little bit on a nearby pillow case, so he folded that too and put it in the corner- taking care to also conceal a little bit that got on the wall. what was left was a tiny pile left neatly on my new carpet. I suppose he felt a little bad, so he stood guard over it until i woke up. he then let out a little whine and walked to the other end of the room to lie down. It was only after leaning the first mess and walking him did I see the rest. he hung back (conveniently) until i discovered all of his booby traps all of which were virtually undetectable by my nose. I gotta give him credit for that one... he has incredible attention to detail. Even his witness, Ciqala, was silent; this guy leaves no loose ends... well, all except his rear end. lol

Anyone else have a cover-up story?


  • Ha ha! I love the careful folding! Glad Saru is feeling somewhat better...that is too funny a story though! what a neatnik!
  • What a great story!

    I am just always impressed that the only place my girl has ever gone is in the very back of the yard behind the building near the alley. I don't ever have to worry about stepping on it. I don't know much about other dogs, as she is my first, but she's never gone in the house, not once. Friends seem to have doo doo all over in random places in their yards. It's like having a cat, but the litter box is a 5'x5' spot at the back of the yard.
  • That's a great story! What a neat boy!

    One of my dogs has covered up when she has had accidents in the house. She pushes a dog bed or blanket over it. But not that neatly!
  • hehe :)

    toki sometimes will go out of his way to pee on something in front of other dogs who are barking at him. Or that is the way it seems at least ;)
  • Haha! Funny story.

    Eh, no coverups from mine. He would either just go on the floor and trot off as if it were no big deal, or come get me and show me. "Look what I did! Isn't it great? It's for you!"
  • Hahaha that story made my night. I'm imagining Saru neatly picking up corners of fabric and gingerly packaging everything up. At least Saru is tidy about it! Could be worse :P I hope Saru's recovering well

    @Losech LOL "Isn't it great?", I wish Tsune would do that. The few times he's had accidents he's laying flat on the stairs all ashamed (which I don't realize as ashamed just yet), just moving his eyes to look at me instead of picking up his head. Then five minutes later I realize he's not even coming for a treat, then it's time to go on a scavenger hunt. Funny story about that, my mother wasn't his biggest fan when I brought him home and didn't give him any attention or even much positive communication, if any. So one time when my after-work "nap" turned into an all night sleep, he opened the door to my parent's room (he knows how to use handles), mom and him looked at eachother and then Tsune walked back out into the hallway. Then when she had turned back away he ninja'd into her closet and poo'd next to her shoes, then ninja'd his way back out. All without her noticing until minutes/an hour later when I got a picture text lmao.
  • That is pretty funny that Saru covered his mess up. Alas, I do not have a story to add to the mix unless you mean a story about an uncovered poo-splosion across an entire basement. Then I have a story.

    Although now that I think about it I think one of my cats may have used a bathroom rug as a bathroom and folded the rug over on itself to cover up the poop. So I guess I did have a poo-cover-up story. Just not about my dog. :)
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