Ayu, Kumi, Haru pups.. oh my

I know Kais have a huge size range but I'm interested to see the weight/height of the "new editions."


  • I posted a picture of Kumi's pups with one of Ayu's pups. there is like a month age difference (Ayu's pup is older) but not much size difference. Kumi seems to produce BIG pups, but not big adults.

    I'm interested to see some of the size differences too!

  • hmm. So they can have their major growth spurts at different times? Ciqala is just now pushing 19 lbs but is noticeably taller than Saru so like 16.5 or 17"
  • Not one of the pups but....Ki did just weigh in at a trim 31#'s on Friday.
  • Kyuubi is from Haru's first litter and he is about 36lbs now. He was 32lbs for a long time.
  • Juno (Haru's 1st litter also) was 27.5 at her last weigh in, about a month or 2 ago. She is almost 16 months old. She did seem to stay at some weights for a long time, then grow some more and muscle up. She is also about 17" at the shoulder.
  • @Yandharr - Yea, different lines of Kai Ken mos def grow at different speeds and fill-out at different times. Haru's pups, for example, are tiny little things until around 5 weeks then they start to catch up in size. Kumi's pups are born large and grow very steadily. Kumi's pups tend to carry more weight too (thicker build) while Haru pups tend to bulk-up later. Ayu's litter appears to be similar to Haru's in size, but a bit more bulky like Kumi's.

    I don't think Ciqala will get much taller than she is now, but she will mos def add bulk... Kai will continue to bulk up into their 3rd year or so. The Nio x Haru pups I am sure will fill out pretty late and always be slimmer due to their parents having amazing metabolisms.

    I'll have to get Shakko's weight...

  • At Sosuke's one year vet visit, he was 17 kg, which is 37 lbs.
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