Looking for a Shikoku Puppy

Hello, I'm searching for a Shikoku Ken puppy and was wondering if this is really realistic in the US. I live in Kansas and within my family we have 2 Japanese Akita's and I would really love to add a Shikoku to the pack. I'm a lifetime dog owner so I'm no amateur and I'm experienced in raising Japanese dogs. The only US breeder I've come across are the owners of shikokudog.com. Any help you could provide would be tremendous! Thank You.


  • There are two Shikoku breeders in North America that have produced litters. Katja (Akashima Kennel) is in BC, Canada and Peggy (O'ikon Kennel) lives in OH. There are a few up and coming breeders that are members of this forum, but I will let them introduce themselves.

    Getting a Shikoku in the US is not unrealistic, but it is expensive and you may have to wait up to 2 years.
  • edited March 2011
    As Nekopan said, 2 established breeders and 2 breeders (that I know of) who are starting out. You have to remember that shikoku have only been here in North America for the past 6-7 years or so. However, the 2 newer breeders (Corina and myself) have had shikoku for over 3 years, but we were building up our kennels.

  • Agreed. If you are truly interested in the breed, get in touch with either Katja or Peggy. There is going to be a waiting list, but it is worth it! Both established breeders can give you tons of information. And if you like to travel, you may want to go visit one of them to get a feel for the breed. As beautiful as they are in pictures, nothing comes close to meeting one in person and getting to know their unique personalities!
  • I agree with Casey I've only met one shikoku and I love the breed though still not sure if it'd be the right breed for me, but I still love the breed very beautiful.
  • Thanks so much for your comments. Very helpful. I haven't been able to interact with a Shikoku Ken before but they do seem to be fairly similar to Akitas in their temperament. I feel very confident that this is an ideal dog for me. I really hope that Peggy can help me out.
  • edited March 2011
    Not saying that this dog isn't for you, but Akitas and Shikoku's temperaments are pretty different.

    I have both a shikoku and Japanese Akita. The two biggest things I noticed is that my shikoku's energy level is many times higher than my akita. You will need to exercise your shikoku far more than you have been with your Akita.

    Funny thing, as I am typing right now, it is raining outside. Kagome (Akita) is laying next to my chair content and napping, while Inu (shikoku) is running back and forth from window to patio door and whining about the horses and birds he can't harass.

    The other, which is a bonus, is that training wise my shikoku is much more attentive.
  • edited March 2011
    Hah thats funny. Actually our 2 akitas aren't that similar. One is normal sized but one is sort of a runt. And he has tremendous energy compared to the other one. Toshi (big one) will be sleeping on my lap chilled and relaxed while Ninpo (small one) will be bouncing off the walls and running giant figure 8's in the backyard. So funny how much variability there is even between brothers of the same litter.
  • I also have a Japanese Akita and a Shikoku. My Akita tolerates my Shikoku. And my Shikoku torments the hell out of my Akita. Hilo (Akita) much prefers the company of my pit bull, who while having boundless energy, is much more respectful of boundaries. Miko (Shikoku) loves to push buttons.
  • NASC has some great information about Shikoku on their website. In particular, you should check out this page: http://www.shikokuclub.org/shikokuken_life.php
  • Oh, this is cool, I don't have to be "that guy" anymore. There are several Akita and Shikoku owners on the forum now. :o)
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