Kodi has hit adolescence...

edited January 2011 in Other Breeds
WOW does it suck. What an asshole he has become, in just a few weeks too! Our management situation has gone from complicated to pain-in-the-butt due to his new attitude.

He picks fights with the other dogs at feeding time, he fence fights with any dog that is on the other side of a fence, he steals chew things from the pups (and in a very mean way), he harasses Luytiy and picks on his mom, he doesn't listen to us anymore either, and he's become protective of things that don't need protecting (like the air lol).

We've been through a few CO adolescences, I mean we got Luytiy right in the middle of his, but what make Kodi's different is how shocking the change is. I mean, he went from shy & lovable "Kodi Bear", to a quarrelsome pain-in-the-ass in like a week. He started lifting his leg around the 27th and by the 3rd he had become a complete jerk.

I'm just shocked at the change. I've never seen this much change in a dog from just hitting adolescence. Crazy!

I think he's gonna need to be on a "short leash" for a few months...



  • I bet you'll be more glad than sad when he gets sent to Esquire.
  • I have like no experience when it comes to what I'm about to ask, but could a female potentially coming into heat exacerbate his adolescent attitude?
  • Farrah is on the cusp of womanhood and Grym is being a (cover your ears Brad) a bit of a shit. He wants to take her to his cave and is following her everywhere and lifting his leg, licking pee, etc where-ever she goes. I have to be close at hand to make sure nobody loses their temper or gets stepped on, but that still doesn't sound as naughty as Kodi tho. Poor Kodi is pubing out and at the bottom of the feed bucket, so he probably feels he has a lot to proove ;) Short leash sounds like a great idea. He better be careful or L might tan his hide.
  • This kind've breaks my heart a bit to hear. Kodi was such a loving/sensitive little man with those doe eyes that looked up at you with such sweetness. He totally was a little Kodi Bear.
  • edited January 2011
    @ayk - Yes, in a way this is kinda a good thing as I really really really like Kodi so it was going to be very hard to place him with Stacey. Now that he is a quarrelsome meany, it's not so hard. LOL (tho I am sure he will grow out of this attitude)


    @Calia - If that was the case then all the dogs would be reacting as if a female was coming into season. By that I mean, they would all be sniffing pee spots, drooling, sniffing rear-ends, etc... None of that is going on.


    @lindsayt - Yea, male CO can be pretty annoying when a female is in heat. It's the only time that I don't really like Luytiy, he just goes kinda nuts. Grym may need to sit it out in his kennel, or he might drive you nuts (and the Shiba might kill him lol). Don't feel bad about it either, I've come to the conclusion that they have no idea what they are doing when a female is in season. ... No, no ... don't feel bad because being around an in heat female is stressful on him, and I have come to the conclusion that they prefer not to be freaking out and stressed like that. We just put Luytiy in the barn when he starts to lose his mind over the ladies.


    @tjbart17 - It's heartbreaking to me too, but it's also strangely reassuring. Kodi has been such a love, I was starting to wonder if it was the way he was raised... but now I am starting to see some of those genetics come through and it feels rather familiar.

  • Oh wow... That does suck. Hopefully his hormones will even out soon and he will be a more CO-ish version of himself instead of a pain in the arse.

    And I absolutely laughed at the "protecting the air" line... :)
  • @lindsayt
    "Farrah is on the cusp of womanhood and Grym is being a (cover your ears Brad) a bit of a shit."

    I covered my ears, but I could still read that naughty, naughty word. Oh the horror! :oP
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