The real Molosser

edited December 2010 in Other Breeds
For all those Molosser-type lovers, this is Google translated article of the original Molosser dog's modern version from a Greek page:




Greek and especially the Continent and the surrounding mountain areas.


Preservation and protection of large flocks of wild animals like jackal, wolf and bear. A role for him thousands of years.

Group 2: Pinser and Snaoutser - Molossoid Mountain Press and Swiss Shepherd Cattle
Sub 2.2.Molossoeideis Mountain Press
Without working trial

Dog large format media ratios, compact, powerful torso with strong bones, with large head and the average length cloak. Fixed and dynamic character.

The relationship between snout length and skull length 4:6.
Skull width equal to or greater than the length.
Body length more than height at withers.

Smart, loyal, committed and bound to the herd and his master, the people friendly environment and able when necessary to protect the herd or guard property.

Big, loud, deep, shaped rectangle. Seen from above the skull and muzzle hold about the same width and shape without a significant decrease between the nose base width and breadth of the temple. Long axis of the skull - the nose slightly divergent.
In the opening referred to the straight line of the back.

Skull: Large, strong, broad, slightly curved Seen from the side. The breadth of the skull is greater or equal length. The yperofrya accented bows. The mid-frontal sulcus moderately stressed. The pronounced occipital protuberance.
Rinometopiko pit: Moderately toned and clear.

Nose: Big, wide, black.
Muzzle: Seen from the side line of the nose is straight. Seen from above medium rectangle shaped, narrowing slightly to a range in the nose.
Lips: Good thickness. The upper lip covers the lower well, which has loose membranes and creates the connection to the more relaxed angle lip. The contour of the lips should be black.
Jaws / Teeth: Jaws strong and range. Gums black. Scissors bite, with strong white teeth and large canines. Denture complete and correct.
Eyes: Relatively small, almond shaped, dark or light brown in color with black edging the eyelid. With sweet and intelligent expression. The lower lid slightly loose, especially when the dog is at rest.
Ears: Medium size, triangular, flat, germinated over the line of the eye. In relaxation fall near the cheeks, while attention away from them. The ears should not be cut.
Neck: conical, strong, compact, muscular and agile. Not very long, thick and loose skin. It forms a double dewlap.

General Appearance: Rectangle, compact, powerful and range. Body length more than height at withers.
Upper Body Line: Straight and level, or the dog is standing or moving.
Withers: Well defined.
Back: Straight, strong and muscular.
Loin: Of medium length, broad, muscular.
Croup: Wide, strong, muscular, medium length and moderate slope from hips to the base of the tail.
Chest: With a breadth and depth of slightly more than elbow height, muscular and strong. Prosterno toned. Ribs moderately rounded, scattered and well spaced.
Bottom line body and abdomen: Almost flat line and slightly less gracefully retracted abdomen.
Tail: Moderately installed, thick at the base, arrives at the knuckle. The hair on the bottom is longer than the rest of the body. In the rest held low when the dog is moving or alert reportedly flush with the back line with a curve at its end. The tail should not be cut.

Front ends: Seen from the front legs are straight, perpendicular and parallel to each other. Powerful with strong bones metacarpal.
Shoulder: Long, sloping, with well developed muscles. The angle between shoulder and arm is about 110 O.
Arm: Muscular possible length slightly less than shoulder length.
Elbows: Normally located near the chest. The angle between the arm and leg ranges from about 130 a-135 O.
Front side: Straight, erect, with strong bone and muscular.
Metacarpus: Powerful, Seen from the side is slightly inclined.
Front feet: Large feet 'cat', fingers tight, strong, curved. Resistant soles and black. Nails hard.
Rear ends: Strong, muscular strengths.
Thigh: Strong, wide and muscular.
Knee: Angulation of the femur - tibia very open, not to turn inwards or outwards.
Tibia: Long, muscular and strong.
Tarsal joint: Strong with open angle.
Rear pasterns: Well toned, straight while seeing them from behind. Double or single pisonycho. For samples of equal value preferred the samples with double pisonycho.
Back feet: Same as in front, slightly rounded.
Stride / Movement: Potential and free trot. When walking the movement is slow and heavy.
Skin: abundant, thick and elastic. The mucous membranes should be black.

Coat: Dense, tight, medium length and straight. Very close to the head, ears and legs, longest in the body where it reaches about 5-6 cm in the inner part of the tail is slightly longer. With rich and soft undercoat.
Color: Uniform colors like red, blonde, yellow, black, black and tan, black-brindle, brindle, wolf color, color with tons of deer and those shades. With or without black mask. Small white spot on chest and white fingertips acceptable but not desirable. The less white the better.

Height: Male: 66-75 million Females: 64-74 million
Weight: In harmony with the size of the dog, giving the impression of a strong and solid animal.

Any deviation from the above desirable characteristics considered a defect to be treated according to the degree of severity.
Serious defects: Parallel or converging lines of the skull - the nose, muzzle thin or too long, yellow eyes, ears or ears cut germinated very tall, thin neck and long, thin frame, high above the river height at withers, length of hair in the trunk more 8 million, wavy or curly coat, loose or bent back, trunk without volume, cow hocks, tail curled over the back or short, large white signs scattered in the body.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: Overshot, ypognathismos, entropion, ectropion, anuria, white with patches of different colors, mucosal discoloration and lack of many teeth, fearful or aggressive character.
Note: The male dogs must have two visible and well descended into the scrotum testicles.



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