Shiba Barking

Skippy is now 1 year old. As of the last 2 months or so if he sees someone driving up (lives in country), he'll put out a little "werf" then gradually let out a "bark". If someone knocks on the door, "BARK". If he knows the person, he just sits there and is OK but stands his territory. If he doesn't know them, he lets loose on the barking until I put him in a kennel and sternly telling him NO. I don't want to get the instinct of alarming me when someone is here, however his fierceness when someone is entering the house is a little disturbing. Is this just something that Shibas go through...What should I be doing to help train him that it's OK to warn but not to let loose and constantly bark at the strangers.


  • edited November -1
    Jen (Tsukitsune) had a great training tip with her Kitsu that we applied to Miso. We taught him the "THANK YOU" Command.

    When Miso starts barking more than a "werf" or a small "bark" we say "THANK YOU" and if he stops barking we click(if you are into clicker training) and treat. So far he is learning really well, the other night in fact I was upstairs and he started barking and I yelled "THANK YOU" and he stopped and ran upstairs looking for his snack!
  • edited November -1
    Reverse I know that putting him in his kennel is negative but I just wasn't sure what else to do. Thank you at least sounds like I don't hate him. Great idea!
  • edited November -1
    lol! I really gotta try that trick with Jada. Pong usually knows when to stop but Jada can go on forever.
  • edited November -1
    It's basically the same principle of how Victoria Stilwell teaches a dog to be quiet. Waits till the dog pauses (or briefly stops), then clicks and treats. The command is added later.

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